Leaping into the work of my dreams

UPDATED 03/27/2024: As I re-read this post I wrote over 6 years ago now, I’m proud to say every word still rings true! Along the way, I’ve encountered challenges, setbacks, and plenty of self-doubt (as we all do). I’ve even shifted my focus from time to time, responding to the inevitable ebbs and flows of life. But in my heart, my passion for helping others live their happiest, healthiest life has never faded. In fact, it has only deepened with every life touched in a positive way, every healthy goal achieved by a client or friend, and every step forward by someone who had all but given up on the hope of feeling great and thriving. Devoting my time, talents, and energy to health and wellness coaching will forever be the “work” of my dreams!


After devoting almost 20 years to a career in the nonprofit sector working hard for missions close to my heart, I decided to take a giant (read: soul-searching, well-researched, risky) leap into the health and wellness realm. And trust me when I say, I’m not a risk taker. I’m a planner, a save-for-a-rainy-dayer. But I woke up one day and knew something was missing from my life. Aside from raising my amazing sweet girl, I no longer felt I was making enough of a direct positive impact on the world in a way that fueled my soul. I wanted more. I needed more.


That’s when the soul searching and deep thinking kicked into high gear. What do I love? What gets me energized? How can I make a real and lasting impact on the world around me?


And then it hit me. Why is my career not wrapped around the things I constantly talk about, research, and focus on in my life? Why does my daily work not revolve around nutrition, fitness, general wellness, and living the very healthiest life we can live?


It was the light bulb moment of all light bulb moments. We’re talking a bazillion watts here! So fast forward through more deep thinking, researching, planning (because well, you know), tons of studying, learning from industry experts, certifications and more


And here I am…a certified health coach, motivator, educator, and yoga instructor…a thriving wellness professional! To say I’m over-the-moon ecstatic about my decision to take the leap would be undershooting it by a million miles. The deep sense of fulfillment I feel every day by having the honor and privilege to help people achieve their happiest, healthiest selves is greater than I ever could’ve dreamed!

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