Tackle your stress like your life depends on it. Because it does.

Stress is the pits, isn’t it? It can really put a damper on so many aspects of life.
Have you considered how stress might be preventing you from making forward progress on whatever piece of your wellness you’re trying to improve?
Your efforts will have the healthiest foundation possible to flourish and bring you the vitality and well-being you desire when you have an intentional, effective, ongoing stress reduction and management practice in place.
Even though I’m a huge proponent of supportive nutrition as a healthy focus, I often say, ”You can be eating all the kale in the world, but if your stress is left unchecked, you’ll never be able to feel your best.” It’s a bit of an exaggeration to make an important point: Unhealthy levels of ongoing stress can quickly sabotage your sincerest and most steadfast efforts in other areas of wellness.
What’s one small thing you can do today to help get your stress in check? Deep breathing before that big meeting, join your friend for a yoga class, go for a device-free walk in nature after work, decline the invitation to serve as chair of the committee?
Each small action you take can have amazing healthy benefits and set you on the path to achieving the wellness goals of your dreams!
Share your favorite stress management techniques in the comments below.

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