general wellness

My top 3 wellness hacks we can all benefit from

One of the most common questions I get asked as a lover of all things wellness is: “what’s the ONE THING I can do to be healthier/feel better/reach my wellness goals?” Sure, we all know it takes more than just ONE thing…there’s simply no one-size-fits-all magic bullet. We are complex creatures with very different needs, lifestyles, body …

My top 3 wellness hacks we can all benefit from Read More »

vision board example

The power of vision boards in achieving your healthy goals + adding joy to life!

Since I’m on a mission to help as many people as possible unleash their happiest, healthiest version of themselves, it’s got me wondering…what does your happiest, healthiest YOU look like? Have you given it some thought? Do you have a vision?   Did you know that something as simple and low-tech as visualization is one of …

The power of vision boards in achieving your healthy goals + adding joy to life! Read More »

It’s really hard to make sustainable healthy changes all alone

Why can’t you simply make a plan to exercise more and eat better, and stick to it? For life. Why can’t you just go to bed on time, sleep soundly through the night, and wake up totally refreshed? Every day for forever. Why can’t you strike a beautiful balance between your time at work and …

It’s really hard to make sustainable healthy changes all alone Read More »

Conventional healthcare was failing me…is it failing you too?

Years ago, as I struggled through a long period of unexplained physical symptoms and a very depressing cycle of feeling awful, improving slightly, only to feel awful again – rinse and repeat – I eventually realized the conventional approach to healthcare wasn’t working for me. Unfortunately, it’s not working for millions of us. So many …

Conventional healthcare was failing me…is it failing you too? Read More »